
Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

How to fold, insert and remove the reusable menstrual cup?  It's easy. Learn the best ways and tips to do it. The first step before inserting the cup is to...

Everything you need to know about menstrual cups

How to fold, insert and remove the reusable menstrual cup?  It's easy. Learn the best ways and tips to do it. The first step before inserting the cup is to...

Why is it important to sterilise your menstrual...

Why is it important to sterilise your menstrual cup and how is it done? Everything you need to know about cleaning, sterilising and caring for your menstrual cup to prevent...

Why is it important to sterilise your menstrual...

Why is it important to sterilise your menstrual cup and how is it done? Everything you need to know about cleaning, sterilising and caring for your menstrual cup to prevent...

What's menstrual sustainability?

La menstruación sostenible es un método muy beneficioso para la salud, y, a la vez, para el medio ambiente. Cada año se generan toneladas de basura menstrual que, desafortunadamente, acaban...

What's menstrual sustainability?

La menstruación sostenible es un método muy beneficioso para la salud, y, a la vez, para el medio ambiente. Cada año se generan toneladas de basura menstrual que, desafortunadamente, acaban...