
¿Puedo usar disco menstrual si tengo vaginismo?

Can I use a menstrual disc if I have vaginismus?

Alternative and reusable menstrual hygiene products, such as menstrual cups and menstrual discs, have revolutionised the lives of many women, facilitating their independence and reshaping their lifestyle habits. Thanks to...

Can I use a menstrual disc if I have vaginismus?

Alternative and reusable menstrual hygiene products, such as menstrual cups and menstrual discs, have revolutionised the lives of many women, facilitating their independence and reshaping their lifestyle habits. Thanks to...

¿Son seguros los bañadores menstruales?

Are menstrual swimming costumes safe?

In recent years, with the development of alternative menstrual products to traditional menstrual products, women's lives have changed radically for the better in many ways. We can finally say goodbye...

Are menstrual swimming costumes safe?

In recent years, with the development of alternative menstrual products to traditional menstrual products, women's lives have changed radically for the better in many ways. We can finally say goodbye...

Qué es la incontinencia urinaria masculina

What is male urinary incontinence?

Contrary to what many still believe, incontinence is not a gender issue. It is not just an issue that affects women. Although it is not as visible as in the...

What is male urinary incontinence?

Contrary to what many still believe, incontinence is not a gender issue. It is not just an issue that affects women. Although it is not as visible as in the...

Cómo afecta el invierno a la menstruación

How winter affects menstruation

The cold has definitely arrived, the beginning of winter is just around the corner and with the change of season many things change, have you noticed that with the cold...

How winter affects menstruation

The cold has definitely arrived, the beginning of winter is just around the corner and with the change of season many things change, have you noticed that with the cold...

¿Es seguro usar un tanga menstrual?

Is it safe to wear a menstrual thong?

Imagine the situation, I'm sure it won't be complicated: for weeks you've been planning to go to a party for which you've already thought of the outfit you're going to...

Is it safe to wear a menstrual thong?

Imagine the situation, I'm sure it won't be complicated: for weeks you've been planning to go to a party for which you've already thought of the outfit you're going to...

¿Puedo usar la copa menstrual llevando DIU?

Can I use a menstrual cup with an IUD?

For some time now, one of the most frequent doubts related to the use of the menstrual cup is whether it is compatible with the use of an IUD. If...

Can I use a menstrual cup with an IUD?

For some time now, one of the most frequent doubts related to the use of the menstrual cup is whether it is compatible with the use of an IUD. If...